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Series allows for a more productive reading experience by grouping all articles that belong to a series together in one place.

D.M. CanrightSeries

Ministration of Angels

Join D.M. Canright as he delves into the ministration of the Angels as taught in the Holy Scriptures. A subject that has been lost sight of and yet is part of the great plan of salvation.—Click to read this article

Join D.M. Canright as he delves into the ministration of the Angels as...

D.M. CanrightSeries

The Holy Spirit

A most excellent exposition by D.M. Canright that deeply analyzes the personhood of the Holy Spirit.—Click to read this article

A most excellent exposition by D.M. Canright that deeply analyzes the ...

The Holy Spirit
J.H. WaggonerSeries

Exposition of 2 Cor. 3:7

Does 2 Cor. 3:7 teach the abolition of the ten commandments? J.H. Waggoner breaks down the meaning of this verse and it's relation to "the law".—Click to read this article

Does 2 Cor. 3:7 teach the abolition of the ten commandments? J.H. Wagg...

The Law
James WhiteSeries


If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2 Col. 3:1. What does it mean to be risen with Christ? Elder James White breaks down the meaning of the text and its literal relation to water baptism.—Click to read this article

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above whe...

D.M. CanrightSeries

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

D.M. Canright embarks on a series objecting to the popular doctrine of man's natural immortality.—Click to read this article

D.M. Canright embarks on a series objecting to the popular doctrine of...

D.M. CanrightSeries

The New Covenant

Who was the new covenant for? Did Christ do away with the law in the new covenant? D.M. Canright answers these questions and more in this excellent 6 part series.—Click to read this article

Who was the new covenant for? Did Christ do away with the law in the n...

The Law
Uriah SmithSeries

The Seven Seals

"...Come and see." Rev. 6:1. Uriah Smith breaks down the meaning of the Seven Seals as described in the book of Revelation.—Click to read this article

"...Come and see." Rev. 6:1. Uriah Smith breaks down the meaning of t...

Bible Prophecy
D.M. CanrightSeries

The Sonship of Christ

What does it mean that Jesus is the "Son of God"? Is it merely a title given to him on Earth or is it a reality in Heaven? Join D.M Canright as he searches the Scriptures for the truth on Christs' identity as the Son of God.—Click to read this article

What does it mean that Jesus is the "Son of God"? Is it merely a titl...

The Divinity Of Christ
J.N. AndrewsSeries

The Sanctuary of the Bible

The Bible is full of the subject of the sanctuary, and we shall find it a theme of intense interest if we give it careful study.—Click to read this article

The Bible is full of the subject of the sanctuary, and we shall find i...

The Sanctuary
R.F. CottrellSeries

The Sanctuary

What is "the Sanctuary" of the Bible and how does it relate to us today? Short series, full of answers.—Click to read this article

What is "the Sanctuary" of the Bible and how does it relate to us toda...

The Sanctuary
J.N. AndrewsSeries

The Sanctuary and the 2,300 Days

"THE eighth chapter of Daniel is a prophecy of wonderful interest; for it gives the prophetic history of the world from the rise of the Persian Empire till the final destruction of all earthly kingdoms by the God of heaven."—Click to read this article

"THE eighth chapter of Daniel is a prophecy of wonderful interest; for...

The Sanctuary
R.F. CottrellSeries

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

The first coming of Christ was heralded by a special proclamation. Before the first manifestation of Christ, John the Baptist came as the "messenger" foretold by Malachi, Chap. 3:1, and as the "voice of one crying in the wilderness," as predicted by Isaiah, Chap. 40:3. In like manner the second coming at hand is to be proclaimed in the fulfillment of three successive and harmonious messages, foretold under the symbols of three angels flying in the midst of heaven. —Click to read this article

The first coming of Christ was heralded by a special proclamation. Bef...

The Three Angel's Messages
J.H. WaggonerSeries

Matthew XXIV

Perhaps there is no chapter in the entire Bible which has been the subject of greater controversy than Matt. 24.—Click to read this article

Perhaps there is no chapter in the entire Bible which has been the sub...

Bible Prophecy
J.N. AndrewsSeries

The Two Covenants

Join J.N. Andrews on a thorough exposition of the two covenants found in Scripture. —Click to read this article

Join J.N. Andrews on a thorough exposition of the two covenants found ...

The Law
James WhiteSeries

The Time of the End

In a three-part series, J. White explains the "time of the end" as written in Dan. 12:4 and the events surrounding this time period.—Click to read this article

In a three-part series, J. White explains the "time of the end" as wri...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithSeries

The United States in Prophecy

More than 200 years ago, the United States gained its independence from England. It has since grown into the greatest nation the world has ever known. What role does America play in Bible prophecy? Find out in this series published by Uriah Smith!—Click to read this article

More than 200 years ago, the United States gained its independence fro...

Bible Prophecy
James WhiteSeries

White Robes

Who are they that are described in the book of Revelation as wearing White Robes? Join J. White as he expounds the scriptures that describes this peculiar people.—Click to read this article

Who are they that are described in the book of Revelation as wearing W...

Uriah SmithSeries

The World's Prophetic History

"Prophecy is the foretelling or future events. History is the recording of events that are past." Join Uriah Smith as he explains one of the most popular prophetic chapters found in the Bible—Daniel 7.—Click to read this article

"Prophecy is the foretelling or future events. History is the recordin...

Bible Prophecy
J.N. AndrewsSeries

The Sin of Witchcraft

"And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter; should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."—Click to read this article

"And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar s...

J.H. WaggonerSeries

Thoughts on Baptism

"Neither age nor popular consent gives warrant to error. Our inquiry is not, What has been practiced? but, What is truth?"—Click to read this article

"Neither age nor popular consent gives warrant to error. Our inquiry i...

G.I. ButlerSeries

"What Doth the Lord Require of Thee"

"WHAT doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"—Click to read this article

"WHAT doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly, and to love merc...

Christian Standard
R.F. CottrellSeries

The Day of the Lord

The day of the Lord is coming...are you ready?—Click to read this article

The day of the Lord is coming...are you ready?

The Second Advent
W.H. LittlejohnSeries

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

Learn the truth as to why Jesus gave the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.—Click to read this article

Learn the truth as to why Jesus gave the parable of the Rich Man and L...

State of the Dead
D.M. CanrightSeries

The Immortality of the Soul—History of the Doctrine

"If the soul is immortal, and lives without the body, what is the use of a resurrection?" Join D.M. Canright as he traces the history of the immortality of the soul from Egypt, through all its developments, until it was received into the church.—Click to read this article

"If the soul is immortal, and lives without the body, what is the use ...

J.H. WaggonerSeries

Promise to the Fathers

"There is no subject of greater interest to man than that of the future destiny of this earth and our relation to it."—Click to read this article

"There is no subject of greater interest to man than that of the futur...

The Inheritance
J.N. LoughboroughSeries

Hope of the Gospel

What is the gospel hope? Many are the hopes cherished by different classes, yet there is but one true hope given to cheer God's people.—Click to read this article

What is the gospel hope? Many are the hopes cherished by different cla...

State of the Dead
J.N. LoughboroughSeries

Is Sin Eternal?

"...a time is coming when in the whole universe of God, sin will no longer exist..."—Click to read this article

"...a time is coming when in the whole universe of God, sin will no lo...

J.N. AndrewsSeries

The Second Commandment

WHEREIN does the second commandment differ from the first?—Click to read this article

WHEREIN does the second commandment differ from the first?

The Law
A. SmithSeries

The Eastern Question

"In the Bible the Ottoman Empire is termed 'the king of the North,' in contradistinction to 'the king of the South,' or Egypt." Follow A. Smith in this brief 3 part series as he expounds on the world events as they relate to the turkish government, and the anticipated fulfillment of Daniel 11:45.—Click to read this article

"In the Bible the Ottoman Empire is termed 'the king of the North,' in...

Bible Prophecy
E.J. WaggonerSeries

Thoughts on the Twelfth Chapter of Hebrews

"Let us lay aside every weight."—Click to read this article

"Let us lay aside every weight."

The Holy Scriptures
J.N. AndrewsSeries

The Change of the Sabbath

"And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time." Dan. 7:25 This four-part series is a historical account of man's attempt to change the Sabbath day from the seventh day to the first day of the week.—Click to read this article

"And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear ...

The Sabbath
J.N. LoughboroughSeries

The Kingdom

In Paul's letter to the Corinthians we read of a kingdom that Christ will "deliver up to God, even the Father," that God may "be all in all." It has perplexed many minds to know how such statements seemingly so opposite to each other, can be harmonized. —Click to read this article

In Paul's letter to the Corinthians we read of a kingdom that Christ w...

The Second Advent
J.H. WaggonerSeries

The Son of God Died

Who or what died for man? —Click to read this article

Who or what died for man?

The Divinity Of Christ
J.H. WaggonerSeries

The Law of God

All objections which are urged against the ten commandments are aimed at the fourth commandment. Were it not for this, few of them would be put forth. —Click to read this article

All objections which are urged against the ten commandments are aimed ...

The Law
J.N. AndrewsSeries

The Three Messages

WHOEVER will read attentively the proclamations embraced in the fourteenth chapter of Revelation, cannot fail to notice their vast importance.—Click to read this article

WHOEVER will read attentively the proclamations embraced in the fourte...

The Three Angel's Messages
J.N. AndrewsSeries

The Two Laws

Two- part series on the differences between the moral and ceremonial law.—Click to read this article

Two- part series on the differences between the moral and ceremonial l...

The Law
A.T. JonesSeries

The Third Angel's Message

The faith of Jesus is that Christ as the only-begotten Son of God, did verily take on human flesh in order to conquer sin on our behalf. He bore our sins upon him, so that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.—Click to read this article

The faith of Jesus is that Christ as the only-begotten Son of God, did...

Justification By Faith
J.N. LoughboroughSeries

Description of the Kingdom

Come learn the wonderful things God has prepared for His people!—Click to read this article

Come learn the wonderful things God has prepared for His people!

The Inheritance
J.H. WaggonerSeries

The Doctrine of a Trinity as Related to the Atonement

"Here's love and grief beyond degree; The Lord of glory dies for men!"—Click to read this article

"Here's love and grief beyond degree; The Lord of glory dies for men!"

The Trinity
J.N. AndrewsSeries

The Third Angel's Message of Rev. XIV

Join J.N. Andrews as he unveils the message of the Third Angel of Revelation 14.—Click to read this article

Join J.N. Andrews as he unveils the message of the Third Angel of Reve...

The Three Angel's Messages
A.T. JonesSeries


What is true sanctification?—Click to read this article

What is true sanctification?

J.N. AndrewsSeries

Remarks Upon the Book of Zechariah

A most excellent exposition. Join J.N Andrews as he goes through the prophecies contained in the book of Zechariah and the details surrounding the construction of the temple.—Click to read this article

A most excellent exposition. Join J.N Andrews as he goes through the p...

Bible Prophecy
E.J. WaggonerSeries

Brief Comments on Romans 7

In this series on Romans 7, Waggonner talk about how the law reveals our sin but cannot free us from it. Through faith in Christ's sacrifice we die to sin and the law and are raised with Him in newness of life, enabled by the Spirit to fulfill the righteousness of the law.—Click to read this article

In this series on Romans 7, Waggonner talk about how the law reveals o...

A.T. JonesSeries

All Have Sinned

Sin entered the world through Adam, bringing death. But Christ, the last Adam, conquered death and offers righteousness and eternal life to all who believe in Him, not through works but by faith in His sacrifice on the cross.—Click to read this article

Sin entered the world through Adam, bringing death. But Christ, the la...
