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Thoughts on Baptism

By J.H. Waggoner

"Neither age nor popular consent gives warrant to error. Our inquiry is not, What has been practiced? but, What is truth?"

J.H. WaggonerPart 1

Thoughts on Baptism

THE influences of association and education, brought to bear upon us even from childhood, are so many, so varied, and often so subtle, that it seems impossible to find an investigator who is entirely free from prepossession or prejudice. —Click to read this article

THE influences of association and education, brought to bear upon us e...

J.H. WaggonerPart 2

Thoughts on Baptism

THE investigations of others, especially of Dr. Carson and Prof. Conant, were no less exhaustive than that of Prof. Stuart, and all give the same results.—Click to read this article

THE investigations of others, especially of Dr. Carson and Prof. Conan...

J.H. WaggonerPart 3

Thoughts on Baptism

It has been said, and often said, that Scripture usage shows that wash is the equivalent of baptize; and as washing may be performed by various methods, so may baptizing.—Click to read this article

It has been said, and often said, that Scripture usage shows that wash...

J.H. WaggonerPart 4

Thoughts on Baptism

SPRINKLE is from two words only in the Old Testament, namely, nah-zah and zah-rak. The first is quite uniformly rendered both in the English and Greek, as will be seen by the following table:——Click to read this article

SPRINKLE is from two words only in the Old Testament, namely, nah-zah ...

J.H. WaggonerPart 5

Thoughts on Baptism

AN argument in favor of pouring is supposed to be found in this baptism, because the Spirit was poured out, or shed forth.—Click to read this article

AN argument in favor of pouring is supposed to be found in this baptis...

J.H. WaggonerPart 6

Thoughts on Baptism

IN regard to the facilities for immersing on the route from Jerusalem to Gaza, the following is the result of Mr. Samson's own observation:——Click to read this article

IN regard to the facilities for immersing on the route from Jerusalem ...

J.H. WaggonerPart 7

Thoughts on Baptism

TERTULLIAN mentioned three immersions, by which we learn that such a practice was introduced as early as his day. —Click to read this article

TERTULLIAN mentioned three immersions, by which we learn that such a p...

J.H. WaggonerPart 8

Thoughts on Baptism

THERE has been much questioning in regard to the relation of John's baptism to the gospel,—whether or not it was gospel baptism.—Click to read this article

THERE has been much questioning in regard to the relation of John's ba...

J.H. WaggonerPart 9

Thoughts on Baptism

THE saying is very old—"There are two sides to every question," and no one will contradict it. —Click to read this article

THE saying is very old—"There are two sides to every question," and no...

J.H. WaggonerPart 10

Thoughts on Baptism

REV. R. PENOILLY, of Ireland, author of an excellent tract on Baptism, says:——Click to read this article

REV. R. PENOILLY, of Ireland, author of an excellent tract on Baptism,...

J.H. WaggonerPart 11

Thoughts on Baptism

THE reason for this conclusion of Prof. Stuart is found in such remarks as the following:——Click to read this article

THE reason for this conclusion of Prof. Stuart is found in such remark...

J.H. WaggonerPart 12

Thoughts on Baptism

IF there is one part of the doctrine of baptism of more vital importance than another, we have that part now presented before us. —Click to read this article

IF there is one part of the doctrine of baptism of more vital importan...

J.H. WaggonerPart 13

Thoughts on Baptism

WHERE moral relations exist, law must exist.—Click to read this article

WHERE moral relations exist, law must exist.

J.H. WaggonerPart 14

Thoughts on Baptism

WE do not present these views in a captious spirit, or with any desire to find fault, but with a deep sense of responsibility for the honor of the cause of Christ, which is so often shamed by the lives of those who consider themselves Christians because they have been baptized and accepted as members of a church. —Click to read this article

WE do not present these views in a captious spirit, or with any desire...

J.H. WaggonerPart 15

Thoughts on Baptism

WE would correct the idea, which is too prevalent and is still growing, that justification by faith, and salvation, are identical. —Click to read this article

WE would correct the idea, which is too prevalent and is still growing...

J.H. WaggonerPart 16

Thoughts on Baptism

IT is fitting that we notice an objection which is presented in the form of a query respecting baptism as a saving ordinance. —Click to read this article

IT is fitting that we notice an objection which is presented in the fo...
