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The United States in Prophecy

By Uriah Smith

More than 200 years ago, the United States gained its independence from England. It has since grown into the greatest nation the world has ever known. What role does America play in Bible prophecy? Find out in this series published by Uriah Smith!

Uriah SmithPart 1

The United States in Prophecy

THE United States—What are they? Two hundred years ago, this question could not have been answered; it could not even have been asked. —Click to read this article

THE United States—What are they? Two hundred years ago, this question ...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithPart 2

The United States in Prophecy

THE symbols brought to view in Rev. 9, all are agreed in applying to the Saracens and Turks. The dragon of Rev. 12, is the acknowledged symbol of Pagan Rome. —Click to read this article

THE symbols brought to view in Rev. 9, all are agreed in applying to t...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithPart 3

The United States in Prophecy

THE next symbol to engage our attention is the leopard beast of chapter 13, to which the dragon gives his seat, his power, and great authority.—Click to read this article

THE next symbol to engage our attention is the leopard beast of chapte...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithPart 4

The United States in Prophecy

FOLLOWING the leopard, or papal, beast of Rev. 13, in consecutive order, comes the two-horned beast, whose appearance the prophet delineates, and whose work he describes in the following language:——Click to read this article

FOLLOWING the leopard, or papal, beast of Rev. 13, in consecutive orde...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithPart 5

The United States in Prophecy

WE notice yet another consideration pointing to the locality of this power.—Click to read this article

WE notice yet another consideration pointing to the locality of this p...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithPart 6

The United States in Prophecy

FROM these considerations, it is evident that the head which received the mortal wound was none other than the papal head. —Click to read this article

FROM these considerations, it is evident that the head which received ...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithPart 7

The United States in Prophecy

THE manner in which the two-horned beast was seen coming up shows, equally with its location and its chronology, that it is a symbol of these United States. —Click to read this article

THE manner in which the two-horned beast was seen coming up shows, equ...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithPart 8

The United States in Prophecy

ANOTHER permanent English settlement was made at Jamestown, Va., in 1607. —Click to read this article

ANOTHER permanent English settlement was made at Jamestown, Va., in 16...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithPart 9

The United States in Prophecy

WE take the following article from "The Centennial History of the United States," just published at Hartford, Ct., pp. 768-779:— —Click to read this article

WE take the following article from "The Centennial History of the Unit...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithPart 10

The United States in Prophecy

"WITH wool, as with cotton, the manufacture into cloth was confined to households, for home use, until near the close of the last century. —Click to read this article

"WITH wool, as with cotton, the manufacture into cloth was confined to...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithPart 11

The United States in Prophecy

"OUR growth in population has been steadily increased by immigration from Europe. It began very moderately after the Revolution. —Click to read this article

"OUR growth in population has been steadily increased by immigration f...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithPart 12

The United States in Prophecy

AND the people have taken hold to lay out their work on the grand scale that nature has indicated.—Click to read this article

AND the people have taken hold to lay out their work on the grand scal...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithPart 13

The United States in Prophecy

Having given us data by which we determine the location, chronology, and rapid rise of this power, John now proceeds to describe the appearance of the two-horned beast, and speaks of his acts in such a manner as to clearly indicate his character, both apparent and real.—Click to read this article

Having given us data by which we determine the location, chronology, a...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithPart 14

The United States in Prophecy

THEN the Bible and the Bible alone is the Protestant rule of faith; and liberty to worship God according to the dictates of one's own conscience is the standard of religious freedom in this land. —Click to read this article

THEN the Bible and the Bible alone is the Protestant rule of faith; an...

Bible Prophecy
Uriah SmithPart 15

The United States in Prophecy

POLITICAL corruption is preparing the way for deeper sin.—Click to read this article

POLITICAL corruption is preparing the way for deeper sin.

Bible Prophecy