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Is Sin Eternal?

By J.N. Loughborough

"...a time is coming when in the whole universe of God, sin will no longer exist..."

J.N. LoughboroughPart 1

Is Sin Eternal?

THIS question we ask with reference to the results of sin. —Click to read this article

THIS question we ask with reference to the results of sin.

J.N. LoughboroughPart 2

Is Sin Eternal?

ST. JOHN tells us that "Sin is the transgression of the law." 1 John 3:4. —Click to read this article

ST. JOHN tells us that "Sin is the transgression of the law." 1 John 3...

J.N. LoughboroughPart 3

Is Sin Eternal?

WE have previously given Scriptural testimony that the ungodly are to receive their punishment on this earth after the judgment, in those fires which shall renovate our earth, and bring in "new heavens and a new earth." —Click to read this article

WE have previously given Scriptural testimony that the ungodly are to ...

J.N. LoughboroughPart 4

Is Sin Eternal?

THERE are other instances of the use of the term, "unquenchable fire."—Click to read this article

THERE are other instances of the use of the term, "unquenchable fire."

J.N. LoughboroughPart 5

Is Sin Eternal?

THE third text which is taken to prove eternal suffering, reads, "The smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever." Rev. 14:11.—Click to read this article

THE third text which is taken to prove eternal suffering, reads, "The ...

J.N. LoughboroughPart 6

Is Sin Eternal?

THERE is much inquiry at the present time on the above question, and many are repudiating the doctrine of eternal conscious misery to the ungodly. —Click to read this article

THERE is much inquiry at the present time on the above question, and m...

J.N. LoughboroughPart 7

Is Sin Eternal?

THE word immortal occurs but once in the accepted version of the Scriptures.—Click to read this article

THE word immortal occurs but once in the accepted version of the Scrip...

J.N. LoughboroughPart 8

Is Sin Eternal?

THERE is no support for the theory of "Eternal Hope" in claiming the paternal relation of God to the sinners, in their punishment; for as we have just seen, that relationship does not exist until they accept Christ.—Click to read this article

THERE is no support for the theory of "Eternal Hope" in claiming the p...

J.N. LoughboroughPart 9

Is Sin Eternal?

IS THE death that men die in Adam a spiritual or a literal death?—Click to read this article

IS THE death that men die in Adam a spiritual or a literal death?

J.N. LoughboroughPart 10

Is Sin Eternal?

NOTWITHSTANDING the statement of Scripture that "Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation," and the injunction to seek God "while it is called to-day," and that "the night cometh when no man can work," the advocates of "Eternal Hope" will persist in telling us there is hope beyond the grave, and that sinners may then become reconciled to God. Such should remember the words of the prophet Ezekiel, if a man "committeth iniquity, and dieth in them; for his iniquity that he hath done shall he die." Eze. 18:26.—Click to read this article

NOTWITHSTANDING the statement of Scripture that "Now is the accepted t...

J.N. LoughboroughPart 11

Is Sin Eternal?

FULKE makes reference to the Catholics seeking to maintain their doctrine by the Fathers, particularly Augustine, but he quotes from him in opposition to their ideas of a hell with one part of it a paradise, as follows: —Click to read this article

FULKE makes reference to the Catholics seeking to maintain their doctr...

J.N. LoughboroughPart 12

Is Sin Eternal?

THE Canon inquires, "Do the dead sleep?"—Click to read this article

THE Canon inquires, "Do the dead sleep?"

J.N. LoughboroughPart 13

Is Sin Eternal?

OF the condition of the dead, and of the nature of sheol, we have plain and forcible testimony in the words of the psalmist (Ps. 6:5), "In death there is no remembrance of thee; in the grave [sheol] who shall give thee thanks?" —Click to read this article

OF the condition of the dead, and of the nature of sheol, we have plai...

J.N. LoughboroughPart 14

Is Sin Eternal?

THE Canon says that in the time of Christ "The patriarchs were living in hades."—Click to read this article

THE Canon says that in the time of Christ "The patriarchs were living ...

J.N. LoughboroughPart 15

Is Sin Eternal?

ST. PAUL in his letter to the Hebrews says, "If we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries." Heb. 10:26, 27.—Click to read this article

ST. PAUL in his letter to the Hebrews says, "If we sin wilfully after ...
