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The Closing Messages of the Gospel

By R.F. Cottrell

The first coming of Christ was heralded by a special proclamation. Before the first manifestation of Christ, John the Baptist came as the "messenger" foretold by Malachi, Chap. 3:1, and as the "voice of one crying in the wilderness," as predicted by Isaiah, Chap. 40:3. In like manner the second coming at hand is to be proclaimed in the fulfillment of three successive and harmonious messages, foretold under the symbols of three angels flying in the midst of heaven.

R.F. CottrellPart 1

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

THE apostles and primitive Christians were Second Adventists in the sense that they believed that the "same Jesus" with whom they had associated, listening to his gracious words and leaning upon his bosom, would "so come in like manner" as they had "seen him go into heaven," Acts 1:11, or, in other words, that he should "appear the second time without sin unto salvation." Heb. 9:28.—Click to read this article

THE apostles and primitive Christians were Second Adventists in the se...

The Three Angel's Messages
R.F. CottrellPart 2

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

THE great plan of the gospel of human salvation is progressive in its accomplishment; and the two great, leading events of it—the first and second revelations of Christ—were, according to the promises of prophecy, to be heralded in their approach by special proclamations. —Click to read this article

THE great plan of the gospel of human salvation is progressive in its ...

The Three Angel's Messages
R.F. CottrellPart 3

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

THE message of the first angel is a message of time—the definite time for the session of the judgment. —Click to read this article

THE message of the first angel is a message of time—the definite time ...

The Three Angel's Messages
R.F. CottrellPart 4

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

THESE messages may properly be called judgment messages; because the first announces the time of the judgment, and the third presents a test to the living, (the righteous among whom shall be translated without death,) which is the rule by which the dead shall be judged—the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Eccl.—Click to read this article

THESE messages may properly be called judgment messages; because the f...

The Three Angel's Messages
R.F. CottrellPart 5

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

THE SECOND MESSAGE.—"And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication." Rev. 14:8.—Click to read this article

THE SECOND MESSAGE.—"And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon...

The Three Angel's Messages
R.F. CottrellPart 6

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

THE SECOND MESSAGE.—We have claimed that the message of the first angel has been announced. We also hold that the second followed in the given order.—Click to read this article

THE SECOND MESSAGE.—We have claimed that the message of the first ange...

The Three Angel's Messages
R.F. CottrellPart 7

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

One of the most decisive proofs that the announcement made in 1844 was in Heaven's own time and order is the rise of modern Spiritualism immediately after. —Click to read this article

One of the most decisive proofs that the announcement made in 1844 was...

The Three Angel's Messages
R.F. CottrellPart 8

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

THE THIRD MESSAGE.—"And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God—Click to read this article

THE THIRD MESSAGE.—"And the third angel followed them, saying with a l...

The Three Angel's Messages
R.F. CottrellPart 9

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

THE BEAST—CONTINUED.—We have found that the beast of Rev. 13:1-10, and the little horn of Dan. 7, refer to the same power. —Click to read this article

THE BEAST—CONTINUED.—We have found that the beast of Rev. 13:1-10, and...

The Three Angel's Messages
R.F. CottrellPart 10

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

THE IMAGE.—The image of the beast must be a government which strikingly resembles the papal power; not in its civil features, as represented by the number of its heads and horns, but in the exercise of similar power and authority.—Click to read this article

THE IMAGE.—The image of the beast must be a government which strikingl...

The Three Angel's Messages
R.F. CottrellPart 11

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

Our forefathers who forsook their native land for the wilds of America, did so to escape religious persecution and civil oppression. —Click to read this article

Our forefathers who forsook their native land for the wilds of America...

The Three Angel's Messages
R.F. CottrellPart 12

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

THE MARK.—The image enforces the worship of the first beast by the reception of his mark.—Click to read this article

THE MARK.—The image enforces the worship of the first beast by the rec...

The Three Angel's Messages
R.F. CottrellPart 13

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

THE COMMANDMENTS.—If we take the testimony of the New Testament, there is no difficulty in finding what the commandments of the message are—Click to read this article

THE COMMANDMENTS.—If we take the testimony of the New Testament, there...

The Three Angel's Messages
R.F. CottrellPart 14

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

THE number of the name of the beast is not mentioned in the message of the third angel; and for that reason it seems not to be so absolutely necessary that it should be so clearly understood as the subject of the mark.—Click to read this article

THE number of the name of the beast is not mentioned in the message of...

The Three Angel's Messages
R.F. CottrellPart 15

The Closing Messages of the Gospel

THE torment with fire and brimstone which is threatened in the last message, must be executed, either at the coming of Christ when the beast and the false prophet (the two-horned beast, compare Rev. 13:13, 14 with 19:20), are "cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone," Rev. 19:20, or at the time when all the wicked, raised from the dead at the end of a thousand years from the advent of Christ and the first resurrection, shall receive their final punishment in the lake of fire which is the second death.—Click to read this article

THE torment with fire and brimstone which is threatened in the last me...

The Three Angel's Messages