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Hope of the Gospel

By J.N. Loughborough

What is the gospel hope? Many are the hopes cherished by different classes, yet there is but one true hope given to cheer God's people.

J.N. LoughboroughPart 1

Hope of the Gospel

"BUT sanctify the Lord God in your hearts; and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear." 1 Pet. 3:15—Click to read this article

"BUT sanctify the Lord God in your hearts; and be ready always to give...

State of the Dead
J.N. LoughboroughPart 2

Hope of the Gospel

In Titus 1:2, Paul speaks of eternal life as the hope: "In hope of eternal life." —Click to read this article

In Titus 1:2, Paul speaks of eternal life as the hope: "In hope of ete...

State of the Dead
J.N. LoughboroughPart 3

Hope of the Gospel

We have already shown that eternal life is one feature of the Christian's hope, from the fact that we must be made immortal before we can inherit the kingdom of God.—Click to read this article

We have already shown that eternal life is one feature of the Christia...

State of the Dead
J.N. LoughboroughPart 4

Hope of the Gospel

Did the disciples understand that Christ meant death when he spake to them of his second coming?—Click to read this article

Did the disciples understand that Christ meant death when he spake to ...

State of the Dead
J.N. LoughboroughPart 5

Hope of the Gospel

IT is said by some that death is the separation of soul and body, and that the resurrection is the reuniting of soul and body; but we see no such language here. —Click to read this article

IT is said by some that death is the separation of soul and body, and ...

State of the Dead
J.N. LoughboroughPart 6

Hope of the Gospel

BUT some assert that though the Scriptures do not teach that men are judged, or rewarded, at death, yet still they must be conscious somewhere.—Click to read this article

BUT some assert that though the Scriptures do not teach that men are j...

State of the Dead
J.N. LoughboroughPart 7

Hope of the Gospel

WE see, then, that there is no chance to establish the doctrine of a Paradise in hades from Bible testimony, or to show from the Bible that dead men are conscious.—Click to read this article

WE see, then, that there is no chance to establish the doctrine of a P...

State of the Dead
J.N. LoughboroughPart 8

Hope of the Gospel

NEANDER says, in his Church History: "It was an old Jewish notion that immortality was not founded upon the nature of the soul, but a peculiar gift of divine grace; a representation which had been transferred from Judaism to Christianity."—Click to read this article

NEANDER says, in his Church History: "It was an old Jewish notion that...

State of the Dead
J.N. LoughboroughPart 9

Hope of the Gospel

FROM the testimonies already examined, it is evident that the dead are not receiving their reward, but that their hope is respecting the coming of Christ, the resurrection, and the inheritance to be given God's people beyond the resurrection.—Click to read this article

FROM the testimonies already examined, it is evident that the dead are...

State of the Dead
J.N. LoughboroughPart 10

Hope of the Gospel

WE will now look at the testimony of Jeremiah concerning Rachel, fulfilled in the mothers' weeping at the time Herod slew the children of Bethlehem while seeking to destroy Christ: "Thus saith the Lord, A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not." See Jer. 31:15-17, and Matt. 2:15.—Click to read this article

WE will now look at the testimony of Jeremiah concerning Rachel, fulfi...

State of the Dead