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The Two Covenants

By J.N. Andrews

Join J.N. Andrews on a thorough exposition of the two covenants found in Scripture.

J.N. AndrewsPart 1

The Two Covenants

Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: —Click to read this article

Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant...

The Law
J.N. AndrewsPart 2

The Two Covenants

WE should not overlook this important fact, that the establishment of the new covenant was solely with the Hebrew people. —Click to read this article

WE should not overlook this important fact, that the establishment of ...

The Law
J.N. AndrewsPart 3

The Two Covenants

What is meant by the word covenant?—Click to read this article

What is meant by the word covenant?

The Law
J.N. AndrewsPart 4

The Two Covenants

THERE are two views prevailing as to what constitutes the first covenant.—Click to read this article

THERE are two views prevailing as to what constitutes the first covena...

The Law
J.N. AndrewsPart 5

The Two Covenants

WE find the distinct promise of the new covenant in Jer. 31.—Click to read this article

WE find the distinct promise of the new covenant in Jer. 31.

The Law
J.N. AndrewsPart 6

The Two Covenants

PAUL, speaking of the old covenant, said, "For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second."—Click to read this article

PAUL, speaking of the old covenant, said, "For if that first covenant ...

The Law
J.N. AndrewsPart 7

The Two Covenants

THE writing of the law of God upon the heart according to the promise of the new covenant, is not the work of a moment. —Click to read this article

THE writing of the law of God upon the heart according to the promise ...

The Law