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The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

By D.M. Canright

D.M. Canright embarks on a series objecting to the popular doctrine of man's natural immortality.

D.M. CanrightPart 1

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

MANY learned men who believe in the immortality of the soul, have frankly confessed that it is not taught in the Bible. —Click to read this article

MANY learned men who believe in the immortality of the soul, have fran...

D.M. CanrightPart 2

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

LET us now examine the Bible upon this important question of man's nature.—Click to read this article

LET us now examine the Bible upon this important question of man's nat...

D.M. CanrightPart 3

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

THE Bible is commonly supposed to teach that there is something about man which is immortal.—Click to read this article

THE Bible is commonly supposed to teach that there is something about ...

D.M. CanrightPart 4

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

We will now show that souls have died.—Click to read this article

We will now show that souls have died.

D.M. CanrightPart 5

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

"He that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein." Isa. 42:5.—Click to read this article

"He that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them tha...

D.M. CanrightPart 6

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

TAKE the obituaries of the Bible, and we find them very different from our modern obituaries.—Click to read this article

TAKE the obituaries of the Bible, and we find them very different from...

D.M. CanrightPart 7

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

BUT we have only commenced with the evidence. —Click to read this article

BUT we have only commenced with the evidence.

D.M. CanrightPart 8

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

TO THE popular mind at the present day the word "hell" wherever found conveys the idea of a vast burning, smoking pit of eternal fire in which are devils and damned souls suffering in unutterable agony. —Click to read this article

TO THE popular mind at the present day the word "hell" wherever found ...

D.M. CanrightPart 9

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

The overthrow of Korah and his company bears directly upon this point. —Click to read this article

The overthrow of Korah and his company bears directly upon this point....

D.M. CanrightPart 10

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

Fourth Objection—Cannot kill the soul. "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Matt. 10:28.—Click to read this article

Fourth Objection—Cannot kill the soul. "And fear not them which kill t...

D.M. CanrightPart 11

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

RETURNING to the parable of the rich man, we find that this scene transpires in hades, or sheol, which, as we have seen, is in the nether parts of the earth.—Click to read this article

RETURNING to the parable of the rich man, we find that this scene tran...

D.M. CanrightPart 12

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

CERTAIN wicked men had murdered them, and by thus doing closed their weary pilgrimage on earth and sent them right into the glories of Heaven.—Click to read this article

CERTAIN wicked men had murdered them, and by thus doing closed their w...

D.M. CanrightPart 13

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

But the statement is plain and explicit that the wicked shall be recompensed in the earth.—Click to read this article

But the statement is plain and explicit that the wicked shall be recom...

D.M. CanrightPart 14

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

THE meaning of the word burn is too familiar to every reader to need a definition. —Click to read this article

THE meaning of the word burn is too familiar to every reader to need a...

D.M. CanrightPart 15

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

IT is not to be supposed that long cherished theories will be given up without a struggle, however plainly they may be shown to be erroneous. —Click to read this article

IT is not to be supposed that long cherished theories will be given up...

D.M. CanrightPart 16

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

Sixth Text.—"But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness but is in danger of eternal damnation." Mark 3:29. —Click to read this article

Sixth Text.—"But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath n...

D.M. CanrightPart 17

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

ALTHOUGH the books of the Apocrypha are not commonly regarded as being inspired, their testimony is important as showing the belief of the Jews at the time they were written. —Click to read this article

ALTHOUGH the books of the Apocrypha are not commonly regarded as being...

D.M. CanrightPart 18

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

To the foregoing Scriptural facts it is objected that Josephus says that the Pharisees did believe the immortality of the soul. —Click to read this article

To the foregoing Scriptural facts it is objected that Josephus says th...

D.M. CanrightPart 19

The Scripture Doctrine of a Future Life

THE Greek word gehenna, translated hell in the New Testament, always refers to the place of punishment of the wicked. It never means the grave. The following is its complete use:——Click to read this article

THE Greek word gehenna, translated hell in the New Testament, always r...
