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Remarks Upon the Book of Zechariah

By J.N. Andrews

A most excellent exposition. Join J.N Andrews as he goes through the prophecies contained in the book of Zechariah and the details surrounding the construction of the temple.

J.N. AndrewsPart 1

Remarks Upon the Book of Zechariah

THE prophet Zechariah, at the time of his first vision, was only a young man, Zech. 2:1-4. —Click to read this article

THE prophet Zechariah, at the time of his first vision, was only a you...

Bible Prophecy
J.N. AndrewsPart 2

Remarks Upon the Book of Zechariah

THE first chapter of this prophecy ends with a representation by symbols of those who had been the destroyer of Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.—Click to read this article

THE first chapter of this prophecy ends with a representation by symbo...

Bible Prophecy
J.N. AndrewsPart 3

Remarks Upon the Book of Zechariah

THIS chapter consists of a single vision in which Joshua the high priest represents Christ our high priest and intercessor.—Click to read this article

THIS chapter consists of a single vision in which Joshua the high prie...

Bible Prophecy
J.N. AndrewsPart 4

Remarks Upon the Book of Zechariah

IN this chapter we have the record of a vision in which the prophet saw a candlestick of gold, which had upon the top of it a bowl surrounded by seven lamps, which were connected with the bowl by means of seven pipes. —Click to read this article

IN this chapter we have the record of a vision in which the prophet sa...

Bible Prophecy
J.N. AndrewsPart 5

Remarks Upon the Book of Zechariah

THIS passage records the vision of a roll which went forth over all the city. This roll being twenty cubits, or about thirty-five feet in length, and ten cubits, or about seventeen and a half feet in breadth. —Click to read this article

THIS passage records the vision of a roll which went forth over all th...

Bible Prophecy
J.N. AndrewsPart 6

Remarks Upon the Book of Zechariah

IN this vision the prophet was directed to take three men, Heldai, Tobijah, and Jedaiah, who had recently come from Babylon, and to go the same day into the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah.—Click to read this article

IN this vision the prophet was directed to take three men, Heldai, Tob...

Bible Prophecy
J.N. AndrewsPart 7

Remarks Upon the Book of Zechariah

IN this chapter we have the record of a question proposed by the Jews concerning the continuation of the custom of fasting, which they had followed during the captivity at Babylon. —Click to read this article

IN this chapter we have the record of a question proposed by the Jews ...

Bible Prophecy
J.N. AndrewsPart 8

Remarks Upon the Book of Zechariah

IN this chapter the prophet announces the great things which God desired to do for Jerusalem.—Click to read this article

IN this chapter the prophet announces the great things which God desir...

Bible Prophecy
J.N. AndrewsPart 9

Remarks Upon the Book of Zechariah

THESE eight verses predict the conquest of the principal cities in the vicinity of Jerusalem by Alexander, and the remarkable deliverance of that city when Alexander had determined to destroy it. —Click to read this article

THESE eight verses predict the conquest of the principal cities in the...

Bible Prophecy
J.N. AndrewsPart 10

Remarks Upon the Book of Zechariah

THIS prophecy consists of two parts: —Click to read this article

THIS prophecy consists of two parts:

Bible Prophecy