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Ministration of Angels

By D.M. Canright

Join D.M. Canright as he delves into the ministration of the Angels as taught in the Holy Scriptures. A subject that has been lost sight of and yet is part of the great plan of salvation.

D.M. CanrightPart 1

Ministration of Angels

THE enemy of God and of the human family has left no means untried by which he could pervert the truth and draw away men from a knowledge of the true God and his law.—Click to read this article

THE enemy of God and of the human family has left no means untried by ...

D.M. CanrightPart 2

Ministration of Angels

What more shall we say? Time would fail us to mention a tithe of such instances where the angels of God are directly mentioned as having acted an important part in the affairs of men.—Click to read this article

What more shall we say? Time would fail us to mention a tithe of such ...

D.M. CanrightPart 3

Ministration of Angels

That the Lord sends an angel to watch over every saint is plainly taught in the Bible. —Click to read this article

That the Lord sends an angel to watch over every saint is plainly taug...

D.M. CanrightPart 4

Ministration of Angels

What a glorious time it will be when all this heavenly family shall be gathered home to their Father's house! The good, the pure, and the just, will be there; the saints, the prophets, and the holy martyrs, will be there; the bright angels of Heaven will be there; the blessed Jesus in all his glory will be there; and the Father himself will be there to smile upon them! —Click to read this article

What a glorious time it will be when all this heavenly family shall be...

D.M. CanrightPart 5

Ministration of Angels

If it can be proved from revelation and reason that there is a living, personal devil, Spiritualism will be disarmed of its strongest weapon, and its deception will be exposed. —Click to read this article

If it can be proved from revelation and reason that there is a living,...

D.M. CanrightPart 6

Ministration of Angels

God created man good, but he has made himself wicked. The same is true of Satan. God created him an angel. He rebelled and made himself a Devil. —Click to read this article

God created man good, but he has made himself wicked. The same is tru...

D.M. CanrightPart 7

Ministration of Angels

But the important question is, Why did Satan sin?—Click to read this article

But the important question is, Why did Satan sin?

D.M. CanrightPart 8

Ministration of Angels

WE think that the testimony which has been presented has answered that oft-repeated, and sometimes perplexing, question, "Where did the devil come from?"—Click to read this article

WE think that the testimony which has been presented has answered that...

D.M. CanrightPart 9

Ministration of Angels

SATAN having lost his place in Heaven, resolves to obtain a kingdom for himself. —Click to read this article

SATAN having lost his place in Heaven, resolves to obtain a kingdom fo...

D.M. CanrightPart 10

Ministration of Angels

UP to this point we have assumed, for convenience, that there is but one devil—Satan. —Click to read this article

UP to this point we have assumed, for convenience, that there is but o...

D.M. CanrightPart 11

Ministration of Angels

THE word Satan means an adversary, an accuser—Click to read this article

THE word Satan means an adversary, an accuser

D.M. CanrightPart 12

Ministration of Angels

IN this light we can understand the temptation of Jesus by the devil, as recorded in Matt. 4:1-11: "Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil," etc. —Click to read this article

IN this light we can understand the temptation of Jesus by the devil, ...

D.M. CanrightPart 13

Ministration of Angels

WHEN Christ rose from the grave, he brought forth some of the prisoners (See Matt. 27:52,53), both to show his power, and also as a pledge that he will bring them all out at a proper time.—Click to read this article

WHEN Christ rose from the grave, he brought forth some of the prisoner...

D.M. CanrightPart 14

Ministration of Angels

HAVING learned the origin of Satan, and the history of his work thus far, we will now inquire what his final destiny will be. —Click to read this article

HAVING learned the origin of Satan, and the history of his work thus f...

D.M. CanrightPart 15

Ministration of Angels

BUT where are God's people at this time?—Click to read this article

BUT where are God's people at this time?

D.M. CanrightPart 16

Ministration of Angels

IT is the popular opinion that the devil and his angels will never cease to exist, but live on to all eternity in hell, to blaspheme God, and torment the wicked.—Click to read this article

IT is the popular opinion that the devil and his angels will never cea...
