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The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

By W.H. Littlejohn

Learn the truth as to why Jesus gave the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.

W.H. LittlejohnPart 1

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

FROM remote antiquity, the parable, or, as it might with propriety be called, the word picture, has been largely employed in the illustration and enforcement of moral truth. —Click to read this article

FROM remote antiquity, the parable, or, as it might with propriety be ...

State of the Dead
W.H. LittlejohnPart 2

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

AS HE many times does nothing but injury who unsettles the opinions of others by destroying their confidence in their previous modes of Scripture exegesis, without enabling them to substitute therefore a more satisfactory exposition, it is now time that we should pass over to the positive side of the argument, and furnish an interpretation of the parable in question which shall be less liable to objection than the one which we have been combating.—Click to read this article

AS HE many times does nothing but injury who unsettles the opinions of...

State of the Dead
W.H. LittlejohnPart 3

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

JOSEPHUS, in his essay to the Greeks concerning hades, writes as follows:— —Click to read this article

JOSEPHUS, in his essay to the Greeks concerning hades, writes as follo...

State of the Dead
W.H. LittlejohnPart 4

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

NOR will his objections to the Jewish conception of the locality of the dead rest altogether upon considerations of taste and desirability. —Click to read this article

NOR will his objections to the Jewish conception of the locality of th...

State of the Dead
W.H. LittlejohnPart 5

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

NOR can any objection be brought successfully against this system of tactics. Its fruits were good beyond parallel. —Click to read this article

NOR can any objection be brought successfully against this system of t...

State of the Dead