The Signs of the Times February 14, 1878
By James WhiteIN order that the ordinance of baptism be properly administered, the administrator should instruct the candidate in the following partictulars:-
1. That he close the mouth at the very moment the administrator has finished the words, "I now baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen," and be sure not to catch the breath while buried in the water. If this be strictly observed by the candidate he will not be embarrassed by disagreeable strangling.
2. The candidate should have perfect confdence in the ability of the administrator to handle him while in the water, and should not undertake any part of the baptising. Many, especially the sisters, are disposed to sit down, which throws the head forward, and in order to bury it the administrator is obliged to plunge them deeper. The candidate should be sure to keep the body straight.
3. The administrator should take the charge of the candidates, and hold them firmly when going in and coming out of the water, lest they stumble. I have seen administrators take hold of only one hand of sisters, leaving them to stagger about, and sometimes fall.