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E.J. Waggoner

Comments on Psalm 15

"LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?" Ps. 15:1. —Click to read this article

"LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy ...

Christian StandardThe Holy Scriptures
A.T. JonesSeries


IN further consideration of the offices of the Holy Spirit we give the following from John 16:7-11, and Rom. 5:5:——Click to read this article

IN further consideration of the offices of the Holy Spirit we give the...

ObedienceSanctificationThe Holy Spirit
A.T. JonesSeries


SPURIOUS sanctification has assumed a new phase. —Click to read this article

SPURIOUS sanctification has assumed a new phase.

ObedienceSanctificationThe Holy Spirit
A.T. Jones

"Comfort Ye, Comfort Ye My People."

"COMFORT ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God."—Click to read this article

"COMFORT ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God."

State of the DeadThe Second Advent
A.T. JonesSeries

The Third Angel's Message—15

Of Him this was so entirely true that, in the weakness and infirmity of the flesh, —ours, which He took, —He was as is the man who is without God and without Christ.—Click to read this article

Of Him this was so entirely true that, in the weakness and infirmity o...

Justification By Faith
A.T. JonesSeries

The Third Angel's Message—14

Only thus could it be that there should be laid upon Him the iniquity of us all. Only by His subjecting himself to the law of heredity could He reach beyond the generation living in the world while He was here.—Click to read this article

Only thus could it be that there should be laid upon Him the iniquity ...

Justification By Faith
A.T. JonesSeries

The Third Angel's Message—13

How was it that He was made flesh? How did He partake of human nature? —Exactly as do all of us, all of the children of men.—Click to read this article

How was it that He was made flesh? How did He partake of human nature?...

Justification By Faith
A.T. JonesSeries

The Third Angel's Message—12

Christ was like God in the sense of being of the nature, in very substance, of God. He was made in the likeness of men, in the sense of being like men, in the nature and very substance of men.—Click to read this article

Christ was like God in the sense of being of the nature, in very subst...

Justification By Faith
A.T. JonesSeries

The Third Angel's Message—11

He was made in the likeness of men, as men are, just where they are. “The Word was made flesh.” He “took part of the same” flesh and blood as that which the children of men are partakers, as they are since man has fallen into sin.—Click to read this article

He was made in the likeness of men, as men are, just where they are. “...

Justification By Faith
A.T. JonesSeries

The Third Angel's Message—10

In our studies of Christ as He is revealed in the first and second chapters of Hebrews, we have found that, as He was in heaven, His nature was the same as the nature of God;—Click to read this article

In our studies of Christ as He is revealed in the first and second cha...

Justification By Faith
A.T. JonesSeries

The Third Angel's Message—9

In the first chapter of Hebrews, Christ’s likeness to God is set forth in greater detail than in any other one portion of Scripture.—Click to read this article

In the first chapter of Hebrews, Christ’s likeness to God is set forth...

Justification By Faith
A.T. JonesSeries

The Third Angel's Message—8

The condescension of Christ, the position of Christ, and the nature of Christ, as He was in the flesh in the world, are given in the second chapter of Hebrews more fully than in any other one place in the Scriptures.—Click to read this article

The condescension of Christ, the position of Christ, and the nature of...

Justification By Faith
A.T. JonesSeries

The Third Angel's Message—7

When Jesus emptied himself, he became man, and God was found in the man. God appeared. Thus, in him God and man meet in peace, and become one;—Click to read this article

When Jesus emptied himself, he became man, and God was found in the ma...

Justification By Faith
A.T. JonesSeries

The Third Angel's Message—6

“LET this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who... emptied himself.” He emptied himself so entirely that, in becoming the Saviour of the world, he did not set himself forth in a way to make himself prominent or to draw attention to himself.—Click to read this article

“LET this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who... empti...

Justification By Faith
A.T. JonesSeries

The Third Angel's Message—5

THE sum and the substance, the beginning and the ending, the all in all, of the faith of Jesus is in the following statement of scripture:—Click to read this article

THE sum and the substance, the beginning and the ending, the all in al...

Justification By Faith